Bali clandestine drug lab managed by foreign nationals: BNN

The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) revealed here on Tuesday that a clandestine laboratory in Bali Island, which was found producing dimethyltryptamine (DMT), a hallucinogenic drug, was managed by several foreign nationals.

During a raid conducted on July 18, 2024, BNN officers nabbed three Filipinos, BNN’s law enforcement deputy, Insp Gen I Wayan Sugiri, said. Meanwhile, a hunt was launched for a Jordanian citizen, identified as AMI, he added.

The Filipinos were identified by their initials as DAS, a 28-year-old man, PMS (DAS’ mother), and DOS (DAS’ sister), he informed, adding that DAS has been named a suspect while the two others have remained witnesses.

The clandestine lab was found inside a tarpaulin tent that the suspects had set up in the front yard of a rented villa in Keliki Kawan village, Payangan sub-district, Gianyar district, Bali province, Sugiri said.

BNN officers discovered chemical substances and lab equipment, including measuring glasses, beaker glasses, and a magnetic stirrer, as well as a plastic of clear liquid containing the DMT substance, he added.

DAShas been charged under Articles 114 (2), 113 (2), and 112 (2) of Law No.35 of 2009 on Narcotics, and is facing the death penalty or life imprisonment, he said.

As reported earlier, drug lords still see Indonesia as a potential market due to its vast population, and millions of drug users. The value of the drug trade in the country is estimated to have reached about Rp66 trillion.

Consequently, Indonesia has seen drug addiction spiral into a life-threatening problem for millions of its people.

On UN Day in 2021, Vice President Ma’ruf Amin drew the collective attention of Indonesians to the grave threat posed by drug crimes to the country.

He cited the results of a survey conducted by the BNN and the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), which pegged the number of drug users in Indonesia at 3.4 million.

Referring to the survey, Amin noted that around 180 of every 10 thousand Indonesians, aged between 15 and 64, had fallen into drug addiction.

He warned that the nation is not only seeing a huge number of drug users in the productive age group but is also being challenged by massive drug trafficking operations.

“Drug trades have reached villages and are involving women and children, who are becoming drug couriers as well as users,” he stated.

FICO Survey: 1 in 3 Indonesians Reject Bank, Credit Card Applications Over Complex ID Checks

 Ease of use is the top priority for Indonesians, followed by good fraud protection

 • Two in three consumers expect to answer 10 questions or less or they will abandon a savings account application

 • Identity checks are on the rise but one in four Indonesians will stop or reduce the use of existing accounts if the identity verification experience is poor

Global analytics software leader FICO today unveiled its latest global consumer fraud research, highlighting that consumers in Indonesia have a low tolerance for inefficient digital experiences when opening an account via mobile app or website. According to the study, Indonesians selecting a new financial account prioritise ease of use above all else.

Three in five (57%) expect to answer 10 questions or less or they will abandon a personal bank account application. Just over one in five (22%) will drop out if asked more than five questions.

Regardless of the number of questions asked, close to one in three Indonesians will give up on a personal bank account application after 10 minutes.

“Indonesian consumers are actively looking for digital banking services with smooth and effortless account opening experiences,” said Aashish Sharma, APAC segment leader for risk lifecycle and decision management at FICO. “Our research reveals that by simplifying these processes, financial institutions can improve customer retention and satisfaction.”

Kioxia Honored by FMS With Lifetime Achievement Award for 3D NAND Flash Invention

the inventor of NAND flash memory, is the recipient of the FMS: the Future of Memory and Storage Lifetime Achievement Award for 2024. The Kioxia engineering team, consisting of Hideaki Aochi, Ryota Katsumata, Masaru Kito, Masaru Kido, and Hiroyasu Tanaka, will accept this prestigious award for its pioneering work in developing and commercializing 3D flash memory. This breakthrough technology has become fundamental to a wide range of computing applications – including advanced smartphones, PCs, SSDs, data centers, AI, and industrial.

Kioxia presented the concept of BiCS FLASHTM 3D flash memory technology at the VLSI Symposium in 2007. After announcing the prototype, Kioxia continued development to optimize the technology for mass production, eventually introducing the world’s first 256 gigabit (Gb), 48-layer 3D flash memory in 2015.

“Kioxia’s innovation in 3D flash memory has revolutionized data storage, transforming it from a mere advancement of existing technologies into a groundbreaking solution that meets the demands of modern computing,” said Chuck Sobey, FMS General Chair. “We are delighted to showcase this important contribution and look forward to seeing what the future holds.”

With a 3D stacked structure that boosts capacity and performance, BiCS FLASH 3D flash memory has been a transformational force in the storage industry. The technology has enabled higher density storage solutions while maintaining reliability and efficiency, significantly enhancing the capabilities of data centers, consumer electronics, and mobile devices – and setting a new standard for flash memory technology. By leveraging vertical stacking, Kioxia’s BiCS FLASH technology addressed the limitations of planar NAND flash, paving the way for future developments in memory storage solutions – and reinforcing Kioxia Corporation as an industry leader.

“Kioxia’s technical innovation in 3D flash memory cannot be overstated,” said Atsushi Inoue, vice president and technology executive for Kioxia Corporation’s Memory Division. “Our technology has created a new paradigm in the industry, enabling flash memory to vastly increase storage density per cell, die and package. I am excited to see our achievements recognized and look forward to witnessing their continued influence in the years to come.”

“My fellow Kioxia engineers are an inspiration not only for their technological accomplishments but also for their commitment to advancing the field through continuous innovation and support for the technologists around them,” said Ryota Katsumata, senior fellow of the Advanced Memory Development Center for Kioxia Corporation. “Our contributions have not only made a reverberating impact, but have also fostered a spirit of innovation and collaboration within the community. It is wonderful to see this leadership and vision be acknowledged.”

This 3D flash memory technology has also been recognized with the Imperial Invention Prize from the 2020 National Commendation for Invention in Japan and received the 2023 Award for Science and Technology from The Commendation for Science and Technology by Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology and the 2021 IEEE Andrew S. Grove Award.

FM highlights strengthened Indonesia-Singapore relations in 10 years

Indonesian Foreign Affairs Minister Retno Marsudi highlighted the increasingly strong bilateral relations between Indonesia and Singapore over the past decade to Singaporean Foreign Minister Vivian Balakrishnan.

“Bilateral relations over the last 10 years have gone very well, including the ratification of the FIR, Extradition, and Defense Agreements,” she stated during a bilateral meeting on the sidelines of the 57th ASEAN Foreign Ministers Meeting (AMM 57th) in Vientiane, Laos, on Wednesday (July 24).

In a statement from her office, the minister also drew attention to the rapid development in trade and investment cooperation with Singapore, which is one of Indonesia’s important partners in these two fields.

Apart from bilateral relations, Marsudi stated that her meeting with Minister Balakrishnan also covered discussions on the Myanmar issue.

She emphasized that Indonesia and Singapore shared the same position in continuing to use the Five Point Consensus (5PC), regardless of its implementation shortcomings, as the main reference in resolving problems in Myanmar following the 2021 military coup.

“There has been very minimal progress in the 5PC implementation, especially because there is no commitment from the Myanmar Military Junta to implement 5PC,” she remarked.

The issue of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was also discussed between Marsudi and Balakrishnan.

During the meeting, Marsudi affirmed that Indonesia condemned three proposed laws from the Israeli parliament which, if passed, would label the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, UNRWA, as a “terrorist group”.

“This is truly unacceptable. Labeling the UN agency as a terrorist organization where the agency is responsible for the lives of millions of Palestinian refugees,” she pointed out.

Marsudi also expressed Indonesia’s stance on the legal resolution regarding Israel’s activities in the occupied Palestinian territories, which was recently issued by the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

She expressed hope that the General Assembly and the UN Security Council would follow up on it.

In addition to meeting with Balakrishnan, Marsudi also held a bilateral meeting with Thai Foreign Minister Maris Sangiampongsa on the sidelines of the 57th AMM in Laos.

In the series of the 57th AMM on Wednesday, she attended the meeting of the Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapon Free Zone Commission (SEANWFZ Commission), a meeting with Representatives of the ASEAN Intergovernmental Human Rights Committee (AICHR), and the Troika meeting for the implementation of the Five Point Consensus (5PC).

Threats of obesity among Indonesian teenagers

 Obesity is starting to lurk among Indonesian teenagers and has emerged as one of the major health problems affecting members of this population.

Obesity in teenagers has become a problem in various parts of the world, with the World Health Organization (WHO) having declared it a global epidemic.

In Indonesia, 13.5 percent of adults aged 18 years and above are overweight, while 28.7 percent are obese, based on data from the Ministry of Health in 2018.

Obesity is suspected to be caused by an unbalanced diet among teenagers in Indonesia. Teen eating patterns, as depicted in the 2015 Global School Health Survey data, showed that 65.2 percent of teenagers did not always eat breakfast, 93.6 percent did not consume sufficient fruits or vegetable fiber, and 75.7 percent often consumed foods with flavor enhancers.

Moreover, 42.5 percent of teenagers tend to adopt a sedentary lifestyle with less physical activity.

In fact, obesity increases the risk of other dangerous diseases, including breathing difficulty, increased risk of bone fractures, hypertension, early markers of cardiovascular disease, insulin resistance, and psychological problems.

Sufferers also often experience anxiety, depression, lack of self-confidence, emotional problems, and issues related to bullying and social isolation, which affect the quality of life in teenagers.

Large-bodied teenagers are often mistreated in the wake of the phenomenon of fatphobia, sizeism, or discrimination against size.

This is unacceptable because body shaming has a negative impact on a person’s quality of life.

In some cases, people with obesity are prone to experiencing eating disorders, such as anorexia and bulimia, to suppress their appetite in pursuit of a slim body.

In principle, obesity in teenagers can be prevented by adjusting eating patterns and portions, increasing fruit and vegetable consumption, engaging in physical activity, avoiding stress, and getting sufficient sleep.

On the other hand, it is also time for all elements of society to understand the importance of nutrition for health in every life cycle as it is a national investment, especially for the younger generation.

One such effort is made by the Community Service and Empowerment Team (PPM) from the University of Indonesia that focuses one of its activities on endeavors to reduce the risk of obesity in teenagers.

They realized that concrete steps were necessary to reduce the threat of obesity, including disseminating information in schools and empowering school health unit (UKS) cadres.

One such effort was disseminating information to UKS cadres at Tiara Nusa Vocational School, Depok City, and optimizing their role and function in improving obesity prevention behavior in teenagers.

This program is expected to be replicated by other schools to reduce the threat of obesity in teenagers with concrete and targeted behavior.

Obesity is a condition in which excess nutritional intake is not accompanied by an increase in physical activity, thereby resulting in the accumulation of body fat that is characterized by a calculated body mass index of above 27 kg/m2.

Data from the 2018 Basic Health Research Data showed that obesity among teenagers aged 16-18 years in Indonesia reached 4.5 percent. Meanwhile, the overall data on obesity sufferers in Depok City is relatively high, reaching 10.6 percent.

Handling obesity is not merely the government’s responsibility but also that of the family, schools, and health services.

Contribution at a school level can be carried out by training UKS cadres to provide better health services. Moreover, schools can collaborate with community health centers to promote healthy living behaviors for teenagers.

Meanwhile, the family can facilitate nutritional fulfillment and motivate teenagers to carry out regular physical activity.

UKS cadres must improve their skills in conducting obesity screening by measuring height and weight and calculating BMI correctly.

UKS cadres are volunteers tasked with providing basic health services to students at school.

They also have a strategic role in preventing obesity in teenagers, as they interact directly with all students and can provide education, motivation, and support in managing healthy eating patterns and increasing physical activity.

Hence, the PPM UI team initiated community service activities for UKS cadres at Tiara Nusa Vocational School, Depok City.

This activity includes education on the importance of maintaining body weight, basic skills training for UKS cadres, height and weight measurement, and calculating BMI. UKS cadres also learn to categorize nutritional status based on BMI calculations.

The expected benefits from this activity include increasing the knowledge, outlooks, and behavior of UKS cadres to prevent obesity; increasing the knowledge, outlooks, and behavior of students through cadres’ mentoring to prevent obesity; becoming one of the management guidelines for preventing obesity in teenagers; and supporting SDGs achievement targets related to healthy and prosperous living.

This activity also involved speakers from various fields related to obesity prevention. This includes increasing motivation and awareness of healthy living for teenagers and demonstrating the GREW-DEAL innovation in preventing obesity.

In the future, greater concern and contribution from all elements of society will be paramount to improving public health, especially in preventing obesity in teenagers.

This is in line with various government efforts to reduce obesity rates, namely through the Healthy Living Community Movement (Germas) and the Nusantara Movement to Reduce Obesity Rates (Gentas).

However, the most effective step taken by far is conducting interventions to prevent obesity that focus on changing the lifestyle of individuals such as by increasing daily physical activity and improving the quality of diet by limiting excess calorie intake.

President evaluates performance of Jakarta-Bandung Whoosh fast train

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) summoned President Director of PT Kereta Cepat Indonesia China (KCIC) Dwiyana Riyadi and several ministers to evaluate the trend of passengers and performance of the Jakarta-Bandung Whoosh high-speed train service.

“He (the president) sought updates on the trend of passengers as well as the infrastructures and access (to the train service). Everything was evaluated,” Riyadi told the press after meeting with Jokowi at the Presidential Palace, Jakarta, on Wednesday (July 24).

During the meeting, he said the president also sought information on the type of support the government can provide PT KCIC to further augment the performance of Southeast Asia’s fast train service that commenced operations on October 17 last year.

Furthermore, the head of state drew attention to the plan to coordinate with China to conduct a joint evaluation of the safety and security of the train service.

At the meeting, Deputy Minister of State-owned Enterprises (SOEs) Kartika Wirjoatmodjo noted that despite the train’s decent performance, the daily average passenger count still stood far below the determined target of 29 thousand.

“The number of passengers has hit 24 thousand (per day). However, this is still below (the target). Hence, we will keep pushing,” he remarked.

The deputy minister expressed confidence that PT KCIC would be able to achieve the target in the next two or three years.

He remarked that the government plans to increase the daily travel frequency from 48 trips to 62 trips to support the train operator.

Earlier, SOEs Minister Erick Thohir highlighted that Whoosh had accommodated as many as four million passengers as of July.

He also revealed that the high-speed train wields the potential to help Indonesia save Rp3.2 trillion (US$198 million) in fuel costs every year.

Minister, VP-elect discuss Indonesia’s digital transformation

Communication and Informatics Minister Budi Arie Setiadi and Vice President-elect Gibran Rakabuming Raka held discussions centered on digital transformation in Indonesia at a meeting on Wednesday.

The meeting took place at the office of the Ministry of Communication and Informatics in Jakarta.

Setiadi welcomed Gibran’s visit and conveyed his commitment to persistently striving to develop the communication and information technology sector in Indonesia.

“We are ready to support various programs and initiatives that will be carried out by the new government to accelerate digital transformation in Indonesia,” he remarked.

At the meeting, the vice president-elect highlighted the importance of synergy between the central government and regional governments in accelerating digital transformation across the country.

In this regard, Gibran discussed strategic steps with the minister to accelerate digital transformation in Indonesia, including the development of digital infrastructures and the improvement of the community’s digital literacy.

The meeting also discussed increasing cybersecurity, as it is deemed crucial to protect important data and information from cyber threats.

Furthermore, the two discussed the development of the digital economy, including startups and micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in utilizing digital technology to improve competitiveness.

Moreover, Gibran drew attention to regulations and policies that support technological innovation and personal data protection.

He lauded the Ministry of Communication and Informatics’ hard work in pushing digital transformation in Indonesia and emphasized his commitment to supporting the ministry’s various initiatives until now and in the future.

“Digital transformation is the key to improving the nation’s competitiveness in the globalization era. I hope the synergy between the central and regional governments would continue to be increased to support Indonesia to become a country that is more developed and has higher competitiveness,” he remarked.

The Orangeblowfish Inspires The Australian-Chinese Emerging Leaders Summit Panel

headquartered creative agency, The Orangeblowfish explored the connection between culture and business at the 17th Australia-China Emerging Leaders Summit (ACELS) on 5th – 7th July 2024. Hosted at the Sheraton Grand Shanghai, Pudong Hotel and Residence, the theme this year was Renewing dialogue: leading a new chapter in Australia-China relations.

The three-day ACELS event has been held in China and Australia since 2014. The Summit is an Australia-China Youth Association (ACYA) initiative designed to boost the skills of emerging leaders; emphasising the relationship between the two countries. Delegates are from academic and professional backgrounds relating to business and commerce, the Arts and social sciences, plus STEM; nurturing an inter-disciplinary environment. This year, 80+ delegates were in attendance.

The Orangeblowfish CEO and founding partner, Natalie Lowe was invited to share insights during a panel discussion looking at impressions and influence on culture and business connections between Australia and China. The conversations aim to inspire greater cross-cultural knowledge and sensitivity to differences, and the skills to navigate. Natalie reveals why she has a personal understanding of this cultural bridging.

“The Orangeblowfish is an international company that also has teams in Australia, UK and North America. We work with international brands and local companies interested in boosting their brand awareness in China and Asia. Much of the creativity of our campaigns comes from plugging into the subtleties of cultural resonance. Being Australian, with Chinese heritage, I also bring a sense of duality to every aspect of my business and life experiences.

Project Leader for ACELS 17, Mia Castagnone explains why Natalie was an obvious choice for the Culture Panel. “ACELS is an important event that brings together leaders in the Australia China space and creates a space for better understanding between these places. The Orangeblowfish is an apt partnership, as their brand campaigns are focused on a deep understanding of the cultural relationship between the East and the West. A strategic voice within that, Natalie Lowe can share how these dynamics play out in a brand-consumer relationship.”

Moderator Danielle Worton asked Natalie how an understanding of both Asian and Western cultures fed into The Orangeblowfish creativity to create an identity between consumers and client brands. Natalie explains why culture extends beyond geographical spaces.

“Culture isn’t as simple as East and West or one country or another. You can break it down into generations – Gen X, millennials, and Gen Y, with Gen A catching up fast. There are plenty of other social-economic factors that influence consumer groups, too. Identifying cultural highlights needs to be balanced with finer demarcations. While it’s a mistake to treat the Chinese consumer markets the same as you might do in the West, it’s also a mistake to treat each individual market as homogenised.”

As well as workshops, other panels focused on Education and academic exchange; Geopolitics & Diplomacy and the potential role of Australia as a mediating force between China and the US; Economy & Development looking at sustainability and green energy activities and opportunities; and Tech & Innovation with a dive into the evolving role of AI and how this impacts collaborative efforts.

Dignitaries joining in person or via video link included, ACYA National President, Mackenzie Lang; CEO of the National Foundation for Australia-China Relations, Gary Cowan; Australia’s Ambassador to China, His Excellency Scott Dewar; Australia’s Consul-General in Shanghai, John Williams; and China’s Ambassador to Australia, His Excellency Xiao Qian.

About The Orangeblowfish

The Orangeblowfish is an award-winning creative agency with its headquarters in Shanghai, and teams in the United Kingdom, North America, and Australia. Our vision is to create experiences that connect and enrich people’s lives. Our mission is to unleash the power of creativity by using art, storytelling, space, and technology to help our clients’ brands, employees, and communities reach their full potential. Our belief is that creativity has no boundaries. We partner with Fortune 500 companies and local brands to produce uniquely crafted creative branding strategies, customized brand installations, brand experiences, digital marketing campaigns, and more. For more information, visit


The Australia-China Emerging Leaders Summit (ACELS) is the signature imitative of the Australia-China Youth Association (ACYA), and is designed to up-skill and engage emerging leaders interested in the Australia-China bilateral relationship. Hosted in both Australia and China, the Summit delivers an intensive program focused on fostering professional development, networking, and people-to-people people connections. In this way, ACELS equips summit delegates with the tools needed for success in a world where the Asia-Pacific’s importance on the world stage is undeniable. Now running in its 10th year, ACELS is the pre-eminent Australia-China youth conference.

Ratusan ASN bersihkan sampah lokasi wisata Banda Aceh jelang PON XXI

Pemerintah Kota Banda Aceh mengerahkan ratusan aparatur sipil negara (ASN) bergotong royong membersihkan sampah di sejumlah destinasi wisata di kota tersebut dalam menyambut penyelenggaraan Pekan Olahraga Nasional (PON) XXI Aceh-Sumut.

“Gotong royong ini tidak hanya sebagai bentuk dukungan, tetapi juga untuk memastikan Kota Banda Aceh siap menjadi tuan rumah ajang olahraga nasional ini,” kata Pj Wali Kota Banda Aceh Ade Surya di Banda Aceh, Jumat.

Gotong royong dilakukan di enam lokasi strategis di ibu kota Provinsi Aceh tersebut, meliputi Masjid Raya Baiturrahman, komplek makam Syiah Kuala, PLTD Apung, Museum Tsunami, kuburan massal Ulee Lheue, dan Pantai Cermin Ulee Lheue hingga kawasan pelabuhan penyeberangan.

Aksi ini dilaksanakan berdasarkan surat edaran Wali Kota Banda Aceh pada 8 Agustus 2024 yang menginstruksikan seluruh PNS di sejumlah satuan kerja perangkat kota di jajaran Pemkot untuk berpartisipasi dalam persiapan menyambut PON XXI.

Banda Aceh merupakan salah satu dari 10 kabupaten/kota yang menjadi tuan rumah PON XXI wilayah Aceh. Perhelatan PON XXI pada 8-20 September 2024 diselenggarakan bersama Provinsi Sumatera Utara (Sumut).

Dari 33 cabang olahraga (cabor) yang dipertandingkan di Tanah Rencong, Banda Aceh akan menjadi tuan rumah bagi 22 cabor, dan jumlah tersebut merupakan yang terbanyak dibanding daerah lain di Aceh.

Adapun beberapa cabor tersebut seperti anggar, angkat berat, angkat besi, bola basket 5×5, bola basket 3×3, panahan, panjat tebing, sepakbola, tenis, baseball, woodball, judo, pentanque, rugby sevens, X-rugby, hapkido, shorinji kempo, layar, muaythai, tarung derajat, selam, dan soft tenis.

Ade Surya mengharapkan dengan persiapan yang matang dan keterlibatan seluruh elemen masyarakat, penyelenggaraan PON XXI di Banda Aceh dapat berjalan lancar dan sukses.

“Sekaligus memberikan kesan positif bagi para atlet dan pengunjung dari seluruh Indonesia,” ujarnya.

Pemerintah pastikan kesiapan infrastruktur PON 2024 capai 85 persen

Pemerintah memastikan seluruh infrastruktur utama dan pendukung dalam pelaksanaan Pekan Olahraga Nasional XXI di Aceh dan Sumatera Utara rata-rata sudah mencapai angka 85 persen.

“Secara merata sekitar 85 persen, tapi ada juga 100 persen, ada beberapa karena penambahan venue,” ujar Deputi Bidang Koordinasi Revolusi Mental, Pemajuan Kebudayaan, dan Prestasi Olahraga Kemenko PMK Warsito di Jakarta, Jumat.

Kepastian persiapan venue itu didapatkan setelah Kemenko PMK, Kemenpora, KONI, PB PON Aceh, dan PB PON Sumut melakukan rapat koordinasi di Kantor Kemenko PMK, Jakarta.

Menurut Warsito, tiap-tiap penanggung jawab melaporkan perkembangan persiapan infrastruktur, baik dari sisi akomodasi, perhotelan, hingga transportasi.

Dari laporan Rakor, ada dua arena yang harus dipindahkan yakni Wood Ball dan Kempo. Khusus Kempo yang sejatinya bakal digelar di Stadion Pidie bakal digeser ke GOR KONI Aceh. Sementara Wood Ball harus dipindah karena lapangan tidak memenuhi syarat.

“Nah jadi sudah diputuskan hari ini, jadi ada dua perpindahan venue untuk Aceh,” kata dia.

Ia memastikan pemerintah bakal melakukan pengecekan terakhir setelah tanggal 17 Agustus 2024. Apabila ada yang belum siap, maka akan dilakukan intervensi.

“Sehingga benar-benar nanti pasca 17 (Agustus), kami semua akan turun lapangan untuk memastikan bahwa kesiapan PON dan juga Peparnas nanti bisa dilaksanakan dengan baik,” katanya.